

Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Quick and Easy People Tagging in Photos on Your iPhone

One of the coolest features of Apple Photos is the People tab that uses face recognition to create personalized collections of our lives and the people we know. Family, friends, colleagues, that old boyfriend, a favorite teacher. Now, more than ever, we want to celebrate our community and remember those who have shared our journey for an hour or for decades.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Are All Your iPhone Photos Safely Backed Up? Really, Really Backed Up.

As a lover of photos in general, and the caretaker of my own family picture library, it tears me apart whenever I hear someone caught in that terrible place. That one where their iPhone is crushedsoakedloststolendeadgone and it's the only place their honeymoonnewbornlatefatheroldfriend's photos exist.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Everything Everywhere - One Delete To Rule Them All

If you use the Apple ecosystem as it’s designed, deleting a picture from Photos on your iPhone will delete that photo everywhere. From your Mac, iPad, anything that’s synced to the iCloud Photo Library. The whole idea that Apple developed is to make it really easy to get at your photos wherever you are.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Why iCloud Makes Apple Photos Work Like Magic

iCloud was the first and arguably the best known of all the popular cloud computer services, but it's also the least understood. Features rival the offerings of Dropbox, Amazon, and Google, but what sets iCloud apart is how it enables and supports the whole Apple ecosystem.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

What to do when your time is out of control

What's cool about Apple Photos is that it lets you see your entire photo collection all in one place. You can drop all your old pictures right in the library along with the iPhone shots you took just yesterday. Your whole life right there in your pocket.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

What The Heck Is Apple Photos?

If you ask people what they use to manage pictures on their iPhone, they probably won't say “Apple Photos.” Same for their Mac. Or iCloud for that matter. And it doesn’t help that the name of what it is is the same as what it does.

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