The Magic of Night Mode Revisited

I Think I See The Light ~ 

Cat Stevens

For most of my career in photography and commercial printing, the game has always been to come close to the magic of the human eye. We see so much more than cameras can capture and presses can print that it's always been a challenge to share what we see around us. Even the digital review of an image we just took can seem lacking in light of the real world that inspired it. 

One of those challenges is shooting in low light and after dark. For those of you who've been following 5MP, you'll recall I talked about Night Mode in December and how cool it was to use. Push the envelope and all that. What I didn't talk about was the idea of pushing things even farther than our human perception. 

On a recent trip up the Hudson Valley, we strolled through Beacon after dark and happened on this crazy house. It's in the dark, poorly lit, but you can imagine what it looks like in daylight. I took a shot with Night Mode, not really expecting much from it, but the hero shot above is it. Looks like 2pm in the afternoon, not 7pm after dark. 

The shot below is taken without Night Mode and pretty much reflects what I saw in the moment. 

Holy pixels. 

Look for the December 22 post of 5 Minute Photos to get more details on Night Mode, or see it at: 



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