

Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Free Photo Services. Use It Or Lose It.

I got the news recently, in an email, that they don’t want me anymore.

That hurts. Sort of.

But, I get it. Relationships are a two way street and I guess I dropped out. Didn’t pay at-tention. Things got in the way.

So there it was.

“It’s been awhile since you logged in . . . Due to inactivity, your account is scheduled for deletion on March 1, 2023”

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

What's Your Perspective?

If you visit any large city and photograph tall buildings, you quickly understand the problem of perspective. Unless you are about half a mile away (just try that in New York) you have to shoot up and use a wide angle lens to fit it all in. The inevitable result is a building that looks like it's falling backwards. And if you're shooting 2 buildings side by side, it looks like they are going to hug.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Clever Kickstarter Seeks Funding For Photography Tips Playing Cards

If you're a photographer in training who likes to travel light, how about a nice deck of playing cards that doubles as a cheat sheet for your picture taking. That's exactly what showed up on a Kickstarter funding appeal a couple days ago and made its target of $1122 in 30 minutes.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Take Time To See The Light

Every now and then I have to remind myself that photography is nothing more than painting with light. The scene we face is a rich palette of colors from brilliant to drab that we use to excite photo-sensitive camera pixels in one way or another and come up with some interpretation of the scene itself.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Live Photos - Training Wheels for Action Photographers

This is a little different riff than how Live Photos offers motion eye-candy in the form of loops, bounces and animated GIF's. This is about the same pre-exposure images the can get the smile, the jumping cat, or the bolt of lightning that you weren't quite fast enough to catch.

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