

Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

How to Add Photo Captions on Your iPhone

Probably the first thing you'll hear about from a professional photo organizer (yes, it's a thing) is that your digital photos need proper digital information. One of those information fields is for "description" or "caption" and, as luck would have it, the latest iOS upgrade (iOS 14) lets you easily add a description to the image right on your iPhone.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

What to do when your time is out of control

What's cool about Apple Photos is that it lets you see your entire photo collection all in one place. You can drop all your old pictures right in the library along with the iPhone shots you took just yesterday. Your whole life right there in your pocket.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Auto Organizing Your Pictures in Apple Photos

When I was somewhat younger than now, I tended to leave all my clothes where they fell, thinking, I suppose, that my house elf would fold and stash them away in my bedroom closet and chest of drawers.

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