Have You Checked In On Your Memories Lately?

"Remember, Life is Just a Memory." 

~ Harry Nilsson

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I've heard it said that in the end, all we get are our memories. It's never seemed more profound than right now, in the middle of a pandemic. Sheltering-in-thought. Tapping into our past to nurture the soul while we wait for some new normal. 

If you've skipped past the MEMORIES tab in For You on the iPhone or just below Photos in the Mac Photos sidebar, you have to go back and give it a little attention right now. Slow down. Be seated. And bring a hankie. 

Apple has done a nice job of curating collections for awhile now; presenting you with random moments that recall an event, a special holiday, or even a vacation. Frankly, the kind of thing we've done ourselves with Albums for so many years. Big deal, right? 

Well now Memories goes deeper. It's not just a group of photos from a wedding or a Cape Cod vacation. It's relationships over the years. It's a random month from awhile ago or today's date over the years. It's the furry friends we've had and a random walk on a random day with family. So many memories big and small that are meaningful but forgotten in the clutter of our lives. 

What Apple has done is give more context to these photos and showed them outside the obvious searches. Memories somehow puts it all together and offers up these unexpected reminders of the big little things that make up our lives. 

It's why we take pictures, after all.


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