Do you know where your photos are tonight?

September is Save Your Photos Month.

Yes, that’s really a thing.

For over 7 years I’ve been a member of The Photo Managers, a professional organization that helps people preserve, organize, and share the most valuable assets we own, our photos. The images that define and document our lives. Anyone who has lost their photos to a natural disaster will know the truth of that. As will those with an attic full of unmarked boxes and dusty albums hoarding old family tales.

If you can’t find it, it might as well be gone.

If you can’t find it, it might as well be gone.

When I was younger, I thought I’d remember everything. My photos were incidental. Cool. Creative exercises that expressed a viewpoint on a moment but not the moment itself. The experience was in my head and always would be.

But I’ve come to see that photos are like passwords to a moment, and that without them the moment itself - the sightsmellsmile of it - becomes vague and one dimensional over time. Eventually, the moment itself is gone altogether. Permanently disabled without the password.

And, yet, we’ve never had more, taken more, or seen more photos every day than we do right now. We are living this paradox of having both an excess of images and the real risk of losing them all.

That’s what Save Your Photos Month is all about. Free professional guidance to help people distill the excess and eliminate the risks of this photo lifestyle that’s become a part of everyone’s daily routine. So if you think you are all alone without hope or space or a plan for the precious-but-overwhelming photos in your life, here’s your lifeline. Listen up.

Eventually, the moment itself is gone altogether.

Save Your Photos Month offers over 40 mini-classes online that address every aspect of photo organizing and management. It covers both print and digital photos. Dealing with clutter and downsizing. Curating the story of your family and your life. Getting organized and adopting a system to stay that way. Playing Sherlock Holmes with old family photos and making sure that your children will be able to enjoy them many, many years from now. It’s cool stuff. Because pictures are cool. And essential.

Here’s the thing. I’ve never met a Photo Manager who didn’t love what they do. We love photos and we love to help people get the most out of theirs. You’ll see that in the mini-courses online this month.

Sign up for free and watch the weekly presentations about:

  • My Photos Are Everywhere - How to gather and get your photos under control

  • Making a Photo Plan - Ways to think about your photo collection

  • Capturing Your Family Stories - Create a narrative that tells the story of your family journey

  • Bring Your Photos Back to Life - Explore the magic of sharing your photo collection

    Sign up for free access to the Save Your Photos Month mini-classes at:


And this year, I’ll be presenting a mini-course about making print products right in Apple Photos. Hope to see you there.


Summertime, Summertime, Sum, Sum, Summertime . . . Photos!!


Summer’s Photo Bucket List - The Top 5